About Us
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We are professional Salsa dancers, teachers and performers, currently based in London UK. We love dancing and the fact that everybody in the world can dance and bring new styles into the current dancing scene. As a dance couple we have been dancing together since 2003. During our dance partnership we have learnt to understand and respect each other’s dance styles and by finding the right connection between each other, we have developed a dance style that is unique and suits us the most. Having these fundamentals, we always aim to improve our dancing further and to bring fun and joy to everything we do. We are very proud and pleased with everything we have achieved so far in our dancing career. However, our greatest achievement is genuinely positive feedback from people watching us dancing. We are very grateful for all the support we have received so far. Many people have asked us what is our ultimate goal in our dancing career – Well, for us it dancing in our own unique way which is continuously inspiring and which will move the audience every time we perform. We hope you will enjoy our performances every time you see us.
Our Team

Our Achivements
- 2014- Finalists of the Salsa World Championship in Miami
- 2014- 4th place in the Bachata World Championship in Miami
- 2013- European Professional Salsa Champions
- 2013- UK Open Professional Salsa Champions
- 2013- European Professional Bachata Champions
- 2013- UK Open Professional Bachata Champions
- 2011- Grand finalists of the Surrey’s got talent
- 2011- Winners of the Barclays live event.
- 2011- Runners up at the UK Open Professional Salsa Champions
- 2011-Our Student become Runners up at the UK Amateur Salsa Champions
- 2011- UKA Qualified Professional Salsa teachers
- 2010- Runners up at the UK Open Professional Salsa Champions
- 2010- We were invited to perform in Blackpool at Winter Garden
- 2010- IDO 3 Latino Dances (Bachata, Merengue, Salsa) Champions
- 2006- UK Open Semi- Professional Salsa Champions
- 2006- The European Salsa Team Champions (With Diablo Dance Company)

About Dance Groups
Many people often question the reason why we – as a solo performing/teaching/competing couple – have also been a part of the Diablo Dance Company or a part of the Paso Dorado Dance Company. The answer to this question is simple – Our dance background had been positively influenced by dance formation teams and our dance career had evolved and developed further by the fact that we were part of the dance teams. We have been fortunate to be part of great salsa teams on the UK salsa scene and we simply enjoy it. Many aspects of dancing can only be developed when working within the team and we will always appreciate the fact that our dancing is continuously being inspired by our team members.